A Theory of Nations
1 Unlike the other three traditional ways, the fourth way exists in everyday life. It is therefore...
Read Moreby williampage | | Balance, Being Present, Conscious Evolution, Esotericism, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Politics | 1 |
1 Unlike the other three traditional ways, the fourth way exists in everyday life. It is therefore...
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Esotericism, Essays, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Rodney Collin | 0
It would be hard to deny our present world situation does not clearly describe the first aspect of apocalypse.
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Consciousness, Esotericism, Essays, Reincarnation, The Universe, Uncategorized | 9 |
People who are willing to say and do anything, no matter how many lies they tell or how many people they hurt, have an obvious advantage over people whose behavior is restricted by conscience, common sense, and decency.
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Essays, Meher Baba, Reincarnation, Rodney Collin, Sanskaras | 4 |
The jewel of an awakened man is a fully formed personality that can be described as a system of knowledge that does not stop impressions from entering into deeper aspects of his being.
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Consciousness, Essays, Essence and Personality, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Ray of Conscious Influence, Ray of Creation | 11 |
Ouspensky didn’t want his students to equate the Absolute with God. When he was asked if...
Read Moreby williampage | | Aldous Huxley, Conscious Evolution, Consciousness, Essays, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky | 1 |
Mescaline doesn’t open up higher centers directly, but it forces them to the forefront of our consciousness to deal with and make sense of a world without associations.
Read Moreby williampage | | Balance, Conscious Evolution, Esotericism, Essays, Gurdjieff, Lying | 5 |
Any man can speak truly; but to speak with order, wisely, and competently, of that few men are capable. ~ Montaigne
Read Moreby williampage | | Being Present, Conscious Evolution, Essays, Politics, Reincarnation, Scale and Relativity | 6 |
It has been suggested to me by a number of readers that I write something on the COVID 19 pandemic which has affected all of us…
Read Moreby williampage | | Being Present, Conscious Evolution, Esotericism, Essays, Self-Remembering | 4 |
It always amazes me that more people are not interested in the idea of conscious evolution. The idea that a man (or woman) can, by making specific inner efforts…
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Consciousness, Essays, Transformation | 4 |
To begin I should make it clear that Meher Baba considered himself an avatar, and that what I have...
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Esotericism, Essays, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Politics, Self-Remembering, Transformation | 28 |
Another characteristic of the hasnamuss is that he appeals to the lowest in his followers, and in doing so destroys whatever higher possibilities they have.
Read Moreby williampage | | Conscious Evolution, Consciousness, Esotericism, Essays, Essence and Personality, Friendship, Other People, Reincarnation | 2 |
Aristotle classifies friendship into three types: friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, and perfect friendships…
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